Our sustainability commitments and metrics


Focus AreaChallenge and Finnair commitmentMetrics

CO2 emissions is the single most pressing issue for any airline, and we need to take actions to promote carbon neutral flying by 2045.

We are committed to UN’s SDG #13, to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

CO2/Revenue ton kilometer

Usage of SAF %

Fuel Efficiency Index


The importance of nature’s biodiversity on the socioeconomic wealth is not very well acknowledged. We need to increase the knowledge about the importance of biodiversity. The value of natural capital should be part of our economic thinking.

We support UN’s SDG #15, by having committed to fight against Illegal Wildlife Traffic (Buckingham palace declaration).

We take into consideration the complete sustainability criteria of SAF while incorporating our SAF roadmap in use.

Number of IWT cases
Circular Economy

Half of total global greenhouse gas emissions and more than 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress come from resource extraction and processing. Transition towards circular and green economics need to start from planning phase.

We are committed to UN’s SDG #12 by incorporating circular economy principles into all our operations.

Material Management %

Recycling Rate %


Focus AreaChallenge and Finnair commitmentMetrics

Providing safe, equitable and easily accessible service to a diverse clientele is the basis of high Nordic quality.

We aim to make our services more accessible for everyone and are working continuously towards improvement.

Net Promoter Score

Accessibility Net promoter Score


We take care of our employees by investing in their health care and safety as well as enabling opportunities for continuous learning.

We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all our employees, ensuring a fair and inclusive environment.

We are committed to SDG # 5 about gender equality

     Diversity Charter Finland (FIBS)

     UN Women’s empowerment Principles

Lost Time Incident Frequency

Employee Turnover Rate

Employee Net Promoter Score

% of women in key roles

% of women as identified succession candidates

Inclusion Score

Equality Score

Employee Training Hours

Supply ChainSteering the global and diverse subcontracting chain towards the Nordic concept of human dignity, equality and respect for nature requires long-term, focused work.% of suppliers signed Finnair’s Supplier code of Conduct
All Stakeholders

Open discussion, co-operation and sharing of values among various social actors are the key to building sustainable societies.

We are committed to SDG #9 about “Industry, innovation, and infrastructure”, meaning that we are venturing out of our traditional business to find solutions for our core sustainability issues.

We are also committed to SDG #17, about “Partnerships for the goals” as we are participating in cross-industry collaboration.



Focus AreaChallenge and Finnair commitmentMetrics

UN Global Compact

UN universal declaration of human rights

IATA resolution against modern slavery and human trafficking

Number of incidents regarding human rights violation

Number of incidents regarding unequal treatment

Risk ManagementEnsure efficient risk management and control

Event Risk Classification

ReportingNeeds for transparent sustainability reporting are constantly evolving and requirements are increasing. Finding coherent and common language requires 360 stakeholders understanding.